In a special Hangout On Air with Google Science Fair 2015, join scientists from the California Academy of Sciences to explore the vibrant science behind the museum’s brand new exhibit Color of Life , which opens June 12 in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.
Get a bird’s-eye view as Dr. Jack Dumbacher, the Academy’s curator of ornithology, broadcasts live from the museum’s scientific collections. He’ll share stories of birds who use brightly colored feathers to warn predators of their toxicity and how some rely on dazzling plumage to find and attract a mate.
And curator of reptiles and amphibians, Dr. Dave Blackburn, will share how his research in the remote mountains and lakes of Africa has led to the ongoing study of mysterious color patterns found in little-known frog species—and how the Academy is working to conserve these threatened amphibian populations. Plus, get a glimpse at this fascinating new exhibit, featuring live animals, shimmering specimens, and hands-on interactives.
Sign up to watch on this event page, post your questions using Q&A, then come watch LIVE from the California Academy of Sciences!