The Story of Poo was awarded Best Picture at Afro Comicon's 2018 Mini-Film Fest.
Grade level: K-5
Length: 5 minutes
Video Discussion Questions
- In what ways did the people in the video use water? What are some other ways you and your family use water in your daily lives?
- How does water end up in the sewer system? Hint: the video showed a few different ways this happens. Try to think of two of them!
- Turn to a partner and discuss: What types of things should we put in the toilet? What types of things should we make sure to keep out of the toilet? Why?
- Turn to a partner and discuss: What role(s) did bacteria play at the Treatment Plant? What did you see or hear from the video that makes you think this?
- What is one action you can take to...
a) help the Treatment Plant do its job well?
b) help keep the plants and animals that live in San Francisco Bay healthy?
- The poo in the video was transformed into a clean, nutritious material called biosolids. How do biosolids help improve the environment?
- Explain how a bathroom in San Francisco is connected to...
a) the plants and animals that live in the waters of the bay, or
b) the fruits and vegetables your parents purchase at the store.