The Institute is generously supported by an anonymous donor, the Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Grade level: 3rd-5th
Length: 4.5 minutes
Video Discussion Questions
- In what ways did the people in the video use water? What are some other ways you and your family use water in your daily lives?
- Besides rain, what other sources of water were mentioned in the video?
- Turn to a partner and discuss: Why do we get our water from so many different places in California?
- What are the challenges that California faces with finding a large enough water supply?
- What is the scientific name for a place where water is stored underground?
- What is one action you can take to do your part to help save water at home?
- What does it mean to “recycle water”? What are some examples of ways that places in San Francisco reuse water?
- How often is the water in San Francisco tested for public safety? In addition to testing drinking water, what other kinds of water are tested?